diakses 1 Mei 2020

The five stages of the process are goal-setting, analysis, strategy formation, strategy implementation and strategy monitoring.
Text Box: Source: google images

Clarify Your Vision
The purpose of goal-setting is to clarify the vision for your business. This stage consists of identifying three key facets: First, define both short- and long-term objectives. Second, identify the process of how to accomplish your objective. Finally, customize the process for your staff, give each person a task with which he can succeed. Keep in mind during this process your goals to be detailed, realistic and match the values of your vision. Typically, the final step in this stage is to write a mission statement that succinctly communicates your goals to both your shareholders and your staff.

Gather and Analyze Information
Analysis is a key stage because the information gained in this stage will shape the next two stages. In this stage, gather as much information and data relevant to accomplishing your vision. The focus of the analysis should be on understanding the needs of the business as a sustainable entity, its strategic direction and identifying initiatives that will help your business grow. Examine any external or internal issues that can affect your goals and objectives. Make sure to identify both the strengths and weaknesses of your organization as well as any threats and opportunities that may arise along the path.

Formulate a Strategy
The first step in forming a strategy is to review the information gleaned from completing the analysis. Determine what resources the business currently has that can help reach the defined goals and objectives. Identify any areas of which the business must seek external resources. The issues facing the company should be prioritized by their importance to your success. Once prioritized, begin formulating the strategy. Because business and economic situations are fluid, it is critical in this stage to develop alternative approaches that target each step of the plan.

Implement Your Strategy
Successful strategy implementation is critical to the success of the business venture. This is the action stage of the strategic management process. If the overall strategy does not work with the business' current structure, a new structure should be installed at the beginning of this stage. Everyone within the organization must be made clear of their responsibilities and duties, and how that fits in with the overall goal. Additionally, any resources or funding for the venture must be secured at this point. Once the funding is in place and the employees are ready, execute the plan.

Evaluate and Control
Strategy evaluation and control actions include performance measurements, consistent review of internal and external issues and making corrective actions when necessary. Any successful evaluation of the strategy begins with defining the parameters to be measured. These parameters should mirror the goals set in Stage 1. Determine your progress by measuring the actual results versus the plan.

Monitoring internal and external issues will also enable you to react to any substantial change in your business environment. If you determine that the strategy is not moving the company toward its goal, take corrective actions. If those actions are not successful, then repeat the strategic management process. Because internal and external issues are constantly evolving, any data gained in this stage should be retained to help with any future strategies.

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5 Soft Skills everyone needs

6 soft skills everyone needs and
employers look for. 
Setiap orang wajib memiliki 6 ketrampilan lunak ini, karena setiap majikan tidak pernah berhenti mencarimu sampai ketemu.

Technical skills may get you an interview, but these six soft skills will get you the job. 

Dengan ketrampilan teknis (hard skill) mungkin anda sampai di interviu.

Dengan ketrampilan lunak (soft skill)  bukan hanya sampai diinterviu saja seperti hard skill tetapi sampai diterima  kerja. mantap.

Tentu anda memilih soft skills. baca 08 April 2017 jam 0447 wib

Though you can't measure soft skills the way you can hard skills, that doesn’t make them any less important. Some examples of soft skills include creativity, analytical thinking, multitasking, verbal and written communications, time management and leadership.

You'll likely see these "soft skills" popping up in job descriptions, next to demands for technical qualifications. Employment experts agree that tech skills may get you an interview, but these soft skills will get you the job—and help you keep it:
Communication skills

This doesn't mean you have to be a brilliant orator or writer. It does mean you have to express yourself well, whether it's writing a coherent memo, persuading others with a presentation or just being able to calmly explain to a team member what you need.
Teamwork and collaboration

Employers want employees who play well with others—who can effectively work as part of a team. "That means sometimes being a leader, sometimes being a good follower, monitoring the progress, meeting deadlines and working with others across the organization to achieve a common goal," says Lynne Sarikas, the MBA Career Center Director at Northeastern University.

This is especially important for more-seasoned professionals to demonstrate, to counter the (often erroneous) opinion that older workers are too set in their ways. "To succeed in most organizations, you need to have a passion for learning and the ability to continue to grow and stretch your skills to adapt to the changing needs of the organization," Sarikas says. "On your resume, on your cover letter and in your interview, explain the ways you've continued to learn and grow throughout your career."
Problem solving

Be prepared for the "how did you solve a problem?" interview question with several examples, advises Ann Spoor, managing director of Cave Creek Partners. "Think of specific examples where you solved a tough business problem or participated in the solution. Be able to explain what you did, how you approached the problem, how you involved others and what the outcome was—in real, measurable results."
Critical observation

It's not enough to be able to collect data and manipulate it. You must also be able to analyze and interpret it. What story does the data tell? What questions are raised? Are there different ways to interpret the data? "Instead of handing your boss a spreadsheet, give them a business summary and highlight the key areas for attention, and suggest possible next steps," Sarikas advises.
Conflict resolution

The ability to persuade, negotiate and resolve conflicts is crucial if you plan to move up. "You need to have the skill to develop mutually beneficial relationships in the organization so you can influence and persuade people," Sarikas says. "You need to be able to negotiate win-win solutions to serve the best interests of the company and the individuals involved."
When it comes to soft skills, show—don't tell

How do you prove you're proficient at, say, critical observation? Demonstrating these soft skills may be more difficult than listing concrete accomplishments like $2 million in sales or a professional certification. But it is possible to persuade hiring managers that you have what they need.

To demonstrate communication skills, for example, start with the obvious. Make sure there are no typos in your resume or cover letter. Beyond that, enhance your communication credibility by writing an accomplishment statement on your resume or cover letter, says Cheryl E. Palmer, president of Call to Career. "Instead of stating, 'great oral and written communication skills,' say, 'conducted presentation for C-level executives that persuaded them to open a new line of business that became profitable within eight months.'"
Learn soft skills

The good news is that, like any skill, soft skills can be learned. The better news? Boosting your soft skills not only gives you a leg up on a new job or a promotion, but these skills also have obvious applications in all areas of a person's life, both professional and personal.

    Take a Course: Some colleges are mixing technology with areas such as effective written and verbal communication, teamwork, cultural understanding and psychology. Take a writing or public speaking course to boost your communication skills. Look for a conflict-resolution course or "leadership skills" class at your local community college.
    Seek Mentors: Be as specific as you can about your target skill, and when you're approaching a potential mentor, compliment that person with a specific example in which you've seen him practice that skill, advises Ed Muzio, the author of Make Work Great. "Then ask whether that person would be willing to share ideas with you about how you might achieve the same level of capability," he says. "Maybe it will grow into a long mentoring relationship, or maybe you'll just pick the person's brain for a few minutes."
    Volunteer: Working with nonprofit organizations gives you the opportunity to build soft skills. And listing high-profile volunteer work on your resume gives you an excuse to point out what you gained there. For example, "As chair of the environmental committee, planned and carried out a citywide park cleanup campaign. Utilized team-building, decision-making and cooperative skills. Extensive report writing and public speaking."

Administrasi NKRI

 Sistem Administrasi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (SANKRI)??!!

Sebelum saya merumuskan apa itu Sistem Administrasi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (SANKRI) menurut pendapat pribadi saya tersebut, berikut terlebih dahulu saya akan memaparkan hal-hal yang menjadi dasar pembentuk kata SANKRI itu sendiri agar dapat memberikan pemahaman yang jelas, baik itu pemahaman kepada saya pribadi maupun kepada pembaca. Dasar-dasar tersebut diantaranya yaitu:

Menurut kamus webster, Sistem merupakan suatu kesatuan (unity) yang komplek dibentuk oleh bagian yang berbeda (diverse), masing-masing terikat pada (subjected to) rencana yang sama atau kontribusi (serving) untuk mencapai tujuan yang sama.
Menurut Jerry Fitzgerald (1981) menuliskan bahwa Sistem adalah suatu jaringan kerja dari prosedur-prosedur yang saling berhubungan, berkumpul bersama-sama untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan atau untuk menyelesaikan suatu sasaran yang tertentu.
Menurut Pamudji (1981) Sistem adalah suatu kebulatan atau keseluruhan yang kompleks atau terorganisie, suatu himpunan atau perpaduan hal-hal atau bagian-bagian yang membentuk suatu kebulatan atau keseluruhan yang kompleks atau utuh.

Secara etimologis istilah administrasi berasal dari bahasa Inggris dari kata administration yang bentuk infinitifnya adalah to administer. Dalam Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (1974), kata to administer diartikan sebagai to manage (mengelola) atau to direct (menggerakkan).
Menurut Leonard D. White (1955) Administrasi adalah suatu proses yang umum terdapat dalam semua usaha kelompok, negara ataupun swasta, sipil ataupun militer, berskala kecil maupun besar.
Menurut The Liang Gie (1980) Administrasi adalah segenap rangkaian kegiatan penataan terhadap pekerjaan pokok yang dilakukan oleh sekelompok orang dalam kerja sama mencapai tujuan tertentu.

Menurut Aristoteles, Negara adalah persekutuan dari keluarga dan desa guna memperoleh hidup yang sebaik-baiknya.
Herman Finer, Negara adalah organisasi kewilayahan yang bergerak dibidang kemasyarakatan dan kepentingan perseorangan dari segenap kehidupan yang multidimensional untuk pengawasan pemerintahan dengan legalitas kekuasaan tertinggi.

John M. Pffifner & Robert V. Presthus mengatakan bahwa Administrasi Negara sebagai koordinasi usaha-usaha perorangan dan kelompok untuk melaksanakan kebijaksanaan pemerintah. Hal ini meliputi pekerjaan sehari-hari pemerintah.
Menurut Dwight Waldo Administrasi Negara adalah manajemen dan organisasi dari manusia dan peralatannya guna mencapai tujuan pemerintah.

Menurut H. Obsatar Sinaga (Dosen FISIP Universitar Padjadjaran), Sistem Administrasi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (SANKRI) adalah administrasi negara sebagai sistem yang dipraktekkan untuk mendukung penyelenggaraan NKRI agar upaya Bangsa Indonesia dalam mewujudkan cita-cita dan tujuan bernegara dapat terlaksana secara berdaya guna dan berhasil guna. Di samping berlandaskan idiil Pancasila dan konstitusional UUD 1945, serta landasan operasional pengembangannya SPPN beserta peraturan pelaksanaannya, SANKRI harus selaras juga dengan situasi dan perkembangan lingkungan stratejik, termasuk perkembangan paradigma ilmu administrasi negara.


Berdasarkan pengertian-pengertian di atas, maka saya dapat merumuskan bahwa Sistem Administrasi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (SANKRI) tersebut merupakan suatu keseluruhan sistem penyelenggaraan kehidupan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) dalam segala aspeknya, serta keseluruhan administrasi negara Indonesia yang berlandaskan pada Idiil-Pancasila, konstitusional-UUD 1945, operasional, dan kebijakan lain baik itu secara tertulis maupun tidak tertulis. Dimana dari keseluruhan sistem tersebut antara Aparatur Negara (Aparatur Pemerintah, Aparatur Kenegaraan) beserta seluruh rakyat saling bekerjasama dalam mewujudkan segala tujuan seperti: melindungi bangsa dan tumpah darah Indonesia; memajukan kesejahteraan umum; mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa; ikut melaksanakan ketertiban dunia;, serta cita-cita bangsa Indonesia dalam kehidupan bernegaranya yang merdeka, bersatu, berdaulat, adil, dan makmur.

Semoga Bermanfaat :)

Ani Triani
Tugas Mata Kuliah Sistem Administrasi Negara Indonesia

Silalahi, Ulbert: Studi tentang Ilmu Administrasi, Sinar Baru Algensindo, Bandung, 2013.
Sugandi, Yogi Suprayogi: ADMINISTRASI PUBLIK; Konsep dan Perkembangan Ilmu di Indonesia, Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta, 2011.

Kompas 21 27 Maret 2017


1. Reforma Agraria dipercepat
2. Reforma agraria, reformat kekuatan agraria
3. Kesenjangan dan neraca sosial
4. Songsong swasembada daging dengan asuransi
5. UU KPK tak perlu direvisi
6. Catatan politik luar negeri Indonesia
7. Tantangan Ekonomi 2017

8. TKI berpeluang jadi pengusaha
9. Lubang hitam populisme
10. Sistem klaster diterapkan: tanah di jawa diarahkan untuk konservasi hutan
11. Aquaporin: kanal air kehidupan; peraih hadiah nobel kimia 2003

Kompas 2016 2017


1.    Turki:  antara Timur dan barat   20 Oktober 2016
2.    Reforma Agraria: penegakkan hukum pertanahan diperkuat:  17Maret 2017

3.    Cinema pendidikan: Pencarian Asal Usul Saroo Brierly 17 Maret 2017
4.    Pertanian: Ketergantungan pada Bandar membuat petani tidak berdaya: 20 Okt 2016
5.    Perda membebani ekonomi, Penguasa harus keluarkan biaya berlebihan di Daerah. 20 Okt 2016
6.    Sektor Riil: gendang reindustrialisasi 20 Okt 2016
7.    Pembangunan revitalisasi pasar DTP dan DAK 20 Okt 2016
8.    Air tanah: sebelum jakarta amblas 17 Maret 2017
9.    Berita Daerah: Inovasi Pengolahan Limbah Ternak Disebarluaskan. 20 Okt 2017
10.    Krisis Listrik: Ketika Gelap dan Korupsi berjalan beriringan di Sulut dan Gorontalo. 20 Okt 2016


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About Me

Dengan ketrampilan teknis (hard skill) anda hanya sampai di interviu. Dengan ketrampilan lunak (soft skill) bukan diinterviu saja tetapi sampai diterima kerja. mantap. Tentu anda memilih soft skills. Pertanyaannya bukan "soft skill itu apa ya?" tetapi "bagaimana" memiliki "soft skill?" SIMON PAULUS MESSAH. Mantan Kaban Diklat PNS Provinsi NTT Widyaiswara Ahli Madya LAN RI di Jakarta 2010-2015 dan Staf Ahli Ibu Kota Negara Senator DPD-RI 2013-2017.